Country Names Ages Income 1 Qatar Devin Conley 32 39478.13 2 Peru Sarah Howard 37 45055.50 3 French Guiana Cody Campbell 37 65889.90 4 Croatia Claudia Oliver 27 97194.74 5 Chile Beverly Cochran 22 65962.64 6 Togo Rita Thompson 49 27975.86 7 Uganda Elizabeth Brown 38 71142.44 8 Uruguay Douglas Rios 30 95031.45 9 Kyrgyz Republic Teresa Mays 47 47103.27 10 Lao People's Democratic Republic Darren Brooks 35 68910.94 11 Korea David Mendez 54 85866.88 12 Tanzania Rachel Baird 21 12266.97 13 Togo Brenda Pittman 60 76770.15 14 Cayman Islands Jeffrey Perez 33 95200.83 15 Seychelles Parker Foster 31 15764.84 16 Venezuela Jessica Yang 21 23248.95 17 Cyprus Elizabeth Herman 30 59781.93 18 Belgium Sean Crosby 36 41216.52 19 Bangladesh Alexandra Kelly 52 17788.64 20 Taiwan Ashley Hamilton 16 92622.71 21 Djibouti Tammy Grant 45 67619.59 22 Nepal Julia Day 56 45226.77 23 Philippines Helen Gardner 52 47937.62 24 Zimbabwe Jeremiah Tapia 35 41501.67 25 Macao Jodi Burton 62 46064.88 26 Germany Robin Peterson 51 47890.36 27 French Guiana Gabriel Jackson 40 34167.26 28 Canada Anthony Kelly 50 61966.10 29 Christmas Island Anita Long 51 19418.47 30 Northern Mariana Islands Tara Hunter 37 70465.20 31 India Christopher Bates 33 13595.45 32 Greece Trevor Garcia 61 55859.05 33 Cape Verde Jason Perez 30 65728.66 34 Saint Barthelemy Christopher Lowery 21 28128.26 35 Antarctica Robin Swanson 40 66147.11 36 Kenya John Harris 47 84887.51 37 Montserrat Angel Ashley 61 84459.03 38 Russian Federation Kenneth Owen 15 14851.24 39 Equatorial Guinea Linda Warren 46 51102.69 40 Norway Terri Mckenzie 56 83904.85 41 Saint Lucia Mark Morales 48 87795.35 42 Germany Brandy Davila 28 79018.53 43 Rwanda Kyle Thomas 27 70233.73 44 Belgium Alison Weaver 23 12997.97 45 Romania Ryan Beltran 61 95739.81 46 Kiribati Melissa Cooper 17 65144.25 47 Croatia Krista May 37 99443.86 48 Colombia Bonnie Dean 52 98458.78 49 Zimbabwe Priscilla Brock 65 18460.10 50 American Samoa Natalie Woods 62 98227.57 51 Paraguay Eric Cruz 39 49161.71 52 Israel Elizabeth Norris 22 71808.95 53 Singapore Allison Davis 17 84951.43 54 Panama John Odom 18 87312.59 55 Thailand Samantha Winters 48 24507.10 56 Cocos (Keeling) Islands Margaret Oliver DDS 37 86072.26 57 Iraq Laura Gray 65 24930.08 58 Mauritius Lori Johnson 41 58475.37 59 Lesotho Michelle Hanson 30 22459.15 60 Guinea Ashley Clark 29 35695.91 61 Netherlands Joseph White 33 24430.15 62 Denmark Jordan Ortiz 60 47354.97 63 New Caledonia Sarah Ashley 18 66451.02 64 Maldives Jennifer Hayes 18 91861.80 65 Egypt Christopher Caldwell 35 63525.90 66 Central African Republic Stephen Campbell 29 25064.32 67 Greenland Heather Lee 43 18181.40 68 Holy See Roy Simon 45 98761.36 69 Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands Andrew Nelson 26 78419.46 70 Spain Dr. Amanda Fleming MD 42 75604.85 71 Moldova Mr. Kenneth Lewis 31 65363.58 72 Albania Kevin Miles 38 55205.13 73 Gambia Tiffany Day 49 52863.17 74 Greenland Mr. Samuel Lopez 23 71638.52 75 Barbados Scott Rodriguez 58 92897.71 76 Jersey James Perez 23 84348.64 77 Uruguay Stephanie Harvey 50 33613.11 78 Ireland Christopher Archer 30 10131.91 79 Guyana Travis Foster 38 81717.47 80 Monaco Stacy Ortiz 21 82049.23 81 Lesotho Jacqueline French 38 47373.23 82 Isle of Man Jose Johnson 16 37351.61 83 India Ronald Davidson 61 87650.17 84 Gambia Michael Rivera 34 58200.42 85 Central African Republic Vanessa Smith 57 29728.93 86 Italy Amber Pacheco 36 61058.45 87 Belize Kimberly Johnson 62 42489.07 88 Morocco Lori Deleon 63 17280.46 89 Saint Martin Steve Johnson 32 96743.46 90 Pakistan Jeanette Carlson 60 92416.12 91 Myanmar Anthony Patel 65 46764.56 92 Indonesia Stephen Forbes 40 27679.63 93 Saint Pierre and Miquelon Robert Carter 26 18288.12 94 Iran Kristine Hardy 27 11915.92 95 Algeria Chad Bradley 26 44440.14 96 Rwanda Jason Johnson 43 99257.29 97 Ecuador Lisa Calhoun 37 53015.46 98 New Zealand Jamie Padilla 33 70101.51 99 Saint Kitts and Nevis Manuel Gonzalez 31 45100.29 100 Solomon Islands Jason Ballard 27 80645.25